
Redesign Fuse's web OTT platform, appealing to a young audience interested in diverse music and culture. Primary concerns throughout this redesign included clarifying the site's navigation and distinguishing between the different types of content Fuse provides.

Starting Point

Fuse provided brand colors and content artwork. My goal was to utilize the current Float Left foundational components, and push for the development of new UI elements that would compliment the Fuse brand. Toward the end of the project, I was able to join the development process to help build these newer UI elements.

Fuse + Flicast Foundation

Home Page.png

Episode Detail Page.png

New UI elements to accommodate the Fuse brand

Featured cell hover.png

Nav focused.png

Series Detail Page.png

Fuse - 4.png

Fuse - 5.png

Fuse - 6.png